Category: legal

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Hackney Publications Announces Second Annual ‘100 Law Firms with Sports Law Practices You Need to Know About’ Portal is portal that serves as a resource for those in need of experienced and capable legal counsel in the sports law arena. Hackney Publications announced today the second annual “100 Law Firms with Sports Law Practices You Need to Know About,” a portal that serves as a resource for those in need of experienced…
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National Lacrosse League Announces the Departure of Commissioner; Sports Lawyer Jessica Berman Assumes Interim Role

The National Lacrosse League (@NLL), the largest and most successful professional lacrosse property in the world, has announced that Commissioner Nick Sakiewicz has decided to leave his current position to pursue other interests but will continue to advise the league until June 30, 2022. The league has also announced that Deputy Commissioner Jessica Berman, a…
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PART I – An Overview of the CAS Ad Hoc Division Decisions from the 2022 Beijing Olympics

(Editor’s note: What follows is an excerpt from an extensive article that appeared last night in Sports Litigation Alert, the nation’s leading sports law periodical. The excerpt includes one of several decisions highlighted in the article. Hackney Publications offers student, professor, library and law firm subscription rates.) By Jared P. Vasiliauskas & Michael V. Viverito,…
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McCarthy Leaves Athletics General Counsel Position to Become Deputy Director of Athletics at LIU

Paul McCarthy, an experienced senior athletics administrator and attorney with an extensive background in higher education has been named Deputy Director of Athletics at Long Island University. McCarthy is returning home to the tri-state area from his position as Athletics General Counsel in the University of Mississippi athletics department, and brings more than 25 years…
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Dodgers Hire Damon Jones as Vice President, Assistant General Manager and Baseball Legal Counsel

The Los Angeles Dodgers have hired Damon Jones as vice president, assistant general manager and baseball legal counsel. Jones joins the Dodgers after spending the last two seasons as general counsel for the Washington Football Team. He has over 20 years of experience as a sports, entertainment and media attorney, including 13 seasons with the…
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‘Powerful Women in Sports’ Conference Set for February 1

The University at Buffalo’s Center for the Advancement of Sport is celebrating National Girls and Women in Sports Day with “Powerful Women in Sports,” a remote sports law roundtable featuring women sports professionals. The hour-long forum, “Powerful Women in Sports: Achieving Success in a Male-Dominated Industry” starts at noon, Feb. 1, and is open to…
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NCAA Board of Governors Updates Transgender Participation Policy

Under fire because of a policy that allowed transgender athletes, who had gone through male puberty to compete against biological female athletes, the NCAA Board of Governors on Wednesday voted in support of a sport-by-sport approach to transgender participation that “preserves opportunity for transgender student-athletes while balancing fairness, inclusion and safety for all who compete.”…
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How to Become an Adjunct Sports Law Professor: A Road Map

Maybe you feel a desire to give back. Maybe you want to enhance your leadership profile or firm bio. Or maybe you just want to earn a few extra bucks. No matter what the rationale, becoming an adjunct is easier than you think, especially given that there are approximately 1,000 sports law classes taught any…
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Sports Lawyer Alex Sinatra Named Executive Director of PHF Players’ Association

The Players’ Association of the Premier Hockey Federation has elected Alex Sinatra as their executive director, effective immediately. The players interviewed a diverse pool of candidates and landed on Sinatra for the role. She succeeds Anya Packer, who previously held the position until becoming the general manager of the Metropolitan Riveters earlier this year. “I…
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Experts Go Ten Rounds in Heavyweight Legal Bout – How Competing Expert Opinions Can Push a Case to Trial, A Case Study of Thomas v Farrago

From the annals of Sports Litigation Alert: By Eric Chang and Dylan F. Henry, of Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads LLP Round 1- The Facts On November 2, 2013, heavyweight boxer, Magomed Abdusalamov, stepped into the ring at Madison Square Garden and squared off against challenger, Ismaikel Perez, to defend his USNBC Heavyweight Title in…
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