Category: field

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Gil Fried on The Baseball Rule Redux

(Editor”s note: In a recent article that appeared in Professional Sports and the Law, noted expert andUniversity of New Haven Professor Gil Fried, and Takao Ohashi, wrote an article about the baseball rule. What follows is an excerpt of that article) Most of those familiar with sport law, especially the liability side, know about the…
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Evans and TJSL To Host Discussion on ‘The Future of America’s Pastime’

Sports law attorney Jeremy Evans and the Thomas Jefferson School of Law will host a discussion on the “Past and Future of America’s Pastime” next month, featuring former Los Angeles Dodgers Vice President and General Manager Fred Claire as the guest speaker. When: Monday, July 11, 2016, 12:00-1:30 p.m., PST Where: Thomas Jefferson School of…
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Ammon Quoted in Article about CSC-Houston Incident

Dr. Robin Ammon, Chair of the Division of Kinesiology and Sport Science at the University of South Dakota, has been following the crowd management space and what can be done when things get out of hand for decades. He was quoted last winter in “University of Houston Severs Ties with CSC After Fans Are ‘Punched’…
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