Category: antitrust

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Pedagogy in Sport Law Classes: Using Sports Litigation Alert Effectively and Creatively

By Linda A. Sharp, J.D. There is no better way of exercising the imagination than the study of law. — Jean Giraudoux 1882-1944 Those of us who teach sport law know that it is a demanding discipline pedagogically. Not only must we have a command of basic legal principles in a variety of substantive areas, e.g.,…
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SRLA Set to Host Annual Conference in Louisville

The Sport and Recreation Law Association (SRLA) has announced it will hold its 33rd annual conference on March 4-7, 2020 in Louisville, Kentucky. By way of background, SRLA serves academicians and practitioners in private and public sport and recreation settings. Its members have diverse educational and experiential backgrounds and represent a variety of occupations and interests. They…
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NCAA’s New Ruling Is a Step In the Right Direction, Says Professor

Recently, NCAA Board of Governors began the process to enhance the name, image, and likeness opportunities for college athletes. Wornie Reed, a former college athlete and instructor of “Sports and the African American Experience” at Virginia Tech, believes that this is the beginning of a slow process in the right direction. About the ruling Reed…
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Latest Issue of Sports Litigation Alert Delivers Five Case Summaries and Ten Articles

The latest issue of Sports Litigation Alert features a wide swath of legal articles from the sports industry as is typical for the nation leading sports law periodical. To subscribe, visit Case Summaries Judge Denies Defendants’ Bid to Exclude Expert in Products Liability Case NBA Pension Plan Defeats Stale Claim Magistrate Judge Sides With…
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The Emerging Role of Antitrust in eSports (Part II)

(What follows, written by Jonathan Rubin, Esq., of MoginRubin LLP in Washington, DC, appeared in the most recent issue of Sports Litigation Alert) As we noted in Part I (SLA, Vol. 16, Iss. 17), most video game publishers initially did not set out to monetize public exhibition or tournament play of their game titles. But,…
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