Seton Hall Law School Fourth Annual Sports Law Symposium: Money in Sports – The Year of Investment in Sports

Seton Hall University will hold its Fourth Annual Sports Law Symposium on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Presented by the Seton Hall Law School Gaming, Hospitality, Entertainment & Sports (GHamES) Initiative and the Entertainment & Sports Law Society, the theme for this year’s Symposium, the first fully in person event, is “Money in Sports: The Year of Investment in Sports,” examining from legal and practical perspectives what has been an unprecedented year of private equity funds entering into the sports space, more and broader based investment into sports properties, and unprecedented asset growth within the sports sector.
The symposium will feature four panels: Investment in Sports Betting; The Sports Media Investment Climate; Investments in Teams & Leagues; and reprising last year’s Sports Law Professor’s Ethics Panel as the opening session, to provide Ethics Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits for attorneys in our alumni and community.
The Symposium is jointly organized by Associate Dean Devon Corneal, Professor Robert Boland and the Gaming, Hospitality, Entertainment & Sports Law Initiative (aka GHamES), which was approved as a concentration for J.D. students in 2022 and the student-led Entertainment and Sports Law Society with conference co-chairs 3L’s Amber Osterbrink and Emily Nesi. There is a planned reception at the conclusion of the day’s panels and networking opportunities in addition to food and refreshments available throughout the day.
Registration is here.
Questions regarding registration should be directed to Brett Canaval at 973-642-8382 or