Sports Lawyer Bob Latham Presents Case Study on Rugby World Cup at TEAMS Europe Conference

US Rugby Hall of Fame inductee and Jackson Walker partner Robert P. Latham recently spoke on the opening day of the TEAMS Europe Conference. As an Executive Board Member of World Rugby, Latham joined a panel moderated by SportsTravel Managing Editor Matt Traub and including Sarah Massey, 2025 managing director of Women’s Rugby World Cup, and John Eades, the UK managing director for DAIMANI, as they presented a case study on the Rugby World Cup.
The Rugby World Cup is one of the largest sporting events in the world, with France set to host the next one in a few months. Looking ahead, the United States is scheduled to host the 2031 Men’s and 2033 Women’s Rugby World Cup competitions, which is something Latham spoke about as one of the members of the World Rugby Council who voted in favor of the proposal.
The TEAMS Europe conference was held at the ExCeL Center in London on June 27-29, 2023. TEAMS Europe unites European and North American sport organizations with destination representatives from around the world. In addition to business development through a marketplace with pre-arranged appointments, the conference featured educational sessions focused on some of today’s most significant events and issues in the industry.