About This Blog

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Welcome to the Sports Law Expert blog

A media outlet designed to communicate the availability of sports law experts to the legal community.

One of the blog’s goals is to share news and insights about sports law experts, whether they are attorneys or expert witness, that will help you the lawyer make the best possible decision about who you want to retain.

We will do this by interviewing sports law experts as well as reporting on their speaking engagements and bylined articles. Please inquire if you would like to contribute a blog post. We are looking for posts that are relevant to those who make a living as expert witnesses and sports law attorneys that have a proven legal expertise in a segment of the sports industry.

The publisher of this blog is Holt Hackney of Hackney Publications, the nation’s leading publisher of sports law periodicals. Hackney is also the former editor of The Examining Expert and The Testifying Expert, two newsletters published by LRP Publications.

About Hackney Publications

Hackney Publications explores the legal side of sports like nobody else.

We deliver mission-critical information to professionals who have chosen the sports industry as their field, providing the kind of analysis that aids them in making the right business decisions.

Our publications include: Legal Issues in College Athletics, Sports Litigation Alert, Journal of NCAA Compliance, Legal Issues in High School Athletics, Concussion Litigation Reporter and Professional Sports and the Law.