Ifrah Law Partner Michelle Cohen Moderating All Star Sports Betting Panel Today at the NYU’s Sports Law Association 11th Annual Sports Law Colloquium

Michelle Cohen, a Partner at Ifrah Law, one of the world’s leading gaming firms, will moderate a sports betting panel today during the 11th annual Sports Law Association Colloquium sponsored by NYU’s Sports Law Association.
“It is an honor to have Michelle speak at this highly esteemed event, and her unequivocal knowledge on legal sports gambling will offer invaluable insight and information. Michelle is one of the best in the industry and we are so pleased,” said Ifrah Law Founder, Managing Partner and recently named “Sports Betting Power Player,” by Politic NY, Jeff Ifrah.
Ms. Cohen’s panel offers insight into “The Rise of Legalized Sports Gambling.” The panel discussion will be held Friday March 4th from 11:30 – 12:30 p.m. (EST), and includes panel members: Frank DiGiacomo, Mark Edelman, Carolyn Renzin and Dan Wallach.
Registration for the webinar program is free and available through this link: https://nyu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__rzb8aVPTzqBrBI8WsGSJw