Attorney John Tyrrell Set to Speak Before Golf Course Superintendents

John Tyrrell, a founder and Managing Member of Ricci Tyrrell Johnson & Grey, will make a presentation before the Philadelphia Association of Golf Course Superintendents on liability issues on January the Concord Country Club in Concordville, Pa.
Tyrrell has decades of experience in the representation of operators and managers of stadiums, arenas, entertainment and recreational facilities, including professional and collegiate sports teams; golf courses; ice rinks; gymnastics facilities; rowing associations; paintball facilities; and concert and entertainment venues. Tyrrell is trial counsel to such entities, and also provides risk management and liability prevention consultation to these clients. He has developed a particular expertise in prosecuting and defending contractual indemnity and insurance claims, both at trial and through declaratory judgment proceedings. Tyrrell has lectured at training sessions for the event staff of his clients. He has also authored information guides, ticket and pass disclaimers, prospective releases, patron signage and other communication devices used at facilities.